Call for Tutorials

We would like to enrich the program of ECSA with a half dozen half day tutorials on Monday, August 25 or Tuesday, August 26. Hopefully some of these tutorials might also be of interest to the local industry in the Vienna area, and make them come to the University for a day to hear what researchers can contribute to the practice of software architecture (and vice versa).

If you feel up to the challenge, please send us a proposal to


A tutorial proposal should be no more than 4 pages (in PDF) and inform the following items:

  • tutorial title
  • presenter name and coordinates
  • presenter bio (max 300 words)
  • abstract (max 300 words)
  • intended audience
  • proposed duration (the standard tutorial slot will be 1/2 day; only exceptionally will we accept a full-day tutorial)
  • longer description and/or detailed outline of tutorial
  • previous deliveries of the tutorial, if any (venue, date, attendance).

We will try to provide some form of honorarium, but cannot commit to an amount at this date, sorry: honorarium amount
will depend on the level of attendance. We reserve the right to cancel tutorials with very low attendance.

Key dates:

(note that they are slightly different than the CfP for papers)

  • Notification of acceptance: June 17
  • Early registration ends July 31st; tutorials with low registration
    may be cancelled
  • Camera ready handout for tutorial attendees: August 18
  • Tutorials: Aug 25+26

Tutorial chairs
Philippe Kruchten, University of British Columbia, Canada
Tomi Männistö, University of Helsinki, Finland