Call for Workshop Proposals


  • Workshop proposals due: February 21, 2014
  • Notification of acceptance: March 3, 2014
  • Workshops: August 25-26, 2014

The 8th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) will be held from August 25th to August 29th 2014, in Vienna, Austria. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for workshops to be affiliated to ECSA 2014 on topics related to software architecture and its applications. Example topics include: requirements engineering and software architectures, architecture analysis, validation and verification, architecture-based support for reconfigurable, adaptive or mobile applications, architectures for ultra-large and long-lived systems, and cross-fertilization between industry and academia. A workshop is a forum for exchanging ideas and theories that are still in an evolutionary stage. Typically, a workshop will either address a focused topic in depth or explore connections between topics that are typically studied in loosely connected subcommunities. The papers accepted for the workshops will be published in the ACM Digital Library.


  • The name and the preferred date of the proposed workshop.
  • Proposed workshop duration.
  • A summary of the topic, its scope and significance, and a discussion on the relation with ECSA topics (max 400 words).
  • If applicable, a description of past versions of the workshop, including dates, organizers, submission and acceptance counts, and attendance.
  • Outline of the workshop format: e.g., type of papers, invited talks, brainstorming sessions etc. (max 400 words)
  • Procedures for selecting papers and/or talks, plans for dissemination, and the expected number of participants.
  • A draft list of the PC members.
  • A list of the workshop organizers, incl.: name, affiliation, contact information, and a brief biography (max 200 words) focusing on the organizer’s expertise in the field and (if applicable) experience as a workshop organizer.
  • Primary contact with contact data (email, phone number)

Submissions should be sent as a single PDF file to: danny(dot)weyns(at)lnu(dot)se


Proposals will be selected based on their relevance to the conference aims, beneficiaries, and timely advances in their respective topics. In particular, proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Innovative aspects, timeliness and expected interest in the workshop topics
  • The organizers’ commitment to stimulate discussion at the workshop
  • The organizers’ experience and ability to lead a successful workshop
  • The balance and synergy between the proposed workshops


The ECSA organization will offer:

  • Management of workshop proceedings published in the ACM Digital Library
  • Links to the workshop websites from the ECSA website.
  • Setup of meeting space and related equipment.
  • Coffee-breaks.
  • Lunches.
  • On-line and on-site registration to the workshop.

The main responsibility of organizing a workshop goes to the workshop chairs,

  • Workshop publicity (incl. website, call for papers), submission system, and review process.
  • Scheduling workshop activities in collaboration with the ECSA workshop chair.
  • Interact with the general workshop chair to support publication of the workshop proceedings with ACM

For more information, send an email to: danny(dot)weyns(at)lnu(dot)se